
We Sent Them Home

We Sent Them Home

Did you know?

During 2019, we intentionally sent 27 children from The Well back home?!

Many of them transitioned to their guardians naturally, as they progressed to the Oasis High School or College Scholarship Program.

Others have stories…

One story in particular is of M & T. They both lived at The Well (formerly another children’s home) for 10 and 11 years respectively. Both were abandoned, too young to verbalize their story, and no one was found in the extensive searches for a parent.

Over the years, these two, along with all The Well children, have attended the local church. The church community has consistently welcomed The Well children and knows each child personally.

Early last year, when Oasis was getting to know the guardians, two families from the church showed up. They had heard Oasis was committed to keeping orphaned children with their guardians, if at all possible, and they wanted in! One family asked if M could join their family and the other asked if T could join theirs.

Through a series of home visits, meetings with the children’s officer, and counseling for the families and children, we transitioned these children into loving, forever families. Oasis continues to support M & T by providing for their educational needs as well as with regular visits from the social worker. The families take care of the daily needs of the children. In these situations, it’s been a WIN-WIN!

We will continue sharing these success stories in our quarterly updates.

To sponsor a child in our Guardian program like M & T, email us today!

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