
Club Turned Competition


When the chess sets came out after school, most students at The Shelter thought it must be just another way to play checkers. Teacher Everlyne was still fairly new to Oasis, having started teaching Class 4 Math and Social Studies toward the end of the last term. With the new school year starting, she invited children from all grade levels to join the newly formed Chess Club.

After-school clubs and teams are an integral part of Oasis. You don’t have to read far through these blog archives to find story after story of transformation on the court or field. Teams provide space for self-esteem to grow, for friendships to form, and for healing bonds to develop with caring adults. Not only would Chess Club be this kind of group, but the critical thinking skills required in chess would help students transition to the new curriculum in Kenya. 

That first meeting of the Chess Club had 12 students eagerly ready to learn. They wanted to know if it was similar to checkers, but they were shocked by the end of the first lesson! While the children didn’t expect such a different game, they were intrigued. For the next year, these 12 students learned the rules, examined different strategies, and competed against each other. Then a flyer arrived – a local chess tournament! 

Teacher Everlyne selected four students. Not only were they excellent chess players, but they showed excellent behavior around the site and were doing well in their classes. When they arrived at the tournament, these students were floored at just how many people from so many schools were there. “Are we going to compete against all of them?” They were nervous, but they were also ready to win. Everlyne was nervous too, but she knew she had to share her courage with them. She gave them confidence and encouragement and sent them to their first matches. At the end of the day, the results were in. Of the four students from The Shelter, three of them stood in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! They swept the podium! Each one was jumping for joy, ready to race back to The Shelter and share the news. 

And yet… that’s not the end! A few weeks later, they moved on to the next level of competition. They were no longer just The Shelter’s team but were privileged to represent their county to compete against other nearby counties. They traveled for four hours on a public bus for another long day of competition. After another grueling day, their jaws dropped – they again won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! Next up is the national-level tournament in Nairobi at the end of this month. If you don’t follow Oasis on social media, it’s time to start now. We can’t wait to share updates and photos! 

After she shared this story, Everlyne asked to impart one simple but vital message, “Thank you for your support so that we can do this.” Your generosity creates a safe place to belong. When you donate, you bring a child into an environment where not only are their basic needs met, but they have teachers like Everlyne who commit to every child’s success. Thank you for being part of the story!

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