
Impact: A Second Chance


“Brian is HIV positive and not doing well.” Our team discussed Brian’s situation with deep concern.

For two weeks, Brian’s grandmother had forgotten to give him his medication while his mom was in the hospital receiving treatment. His viral loads were dangerously high, and his mother was told that if this medicine fails there are no other options; he would die.

Viral load refers to the amount of HIV in the blood. The higher the viral load, the higher the likelihood of illness. Antiretroviral medication, or ARV, keeps viral loads low. It cannot kill or cure the virus, but it can prevent its growth.

Up until then, when she felt well enough, Brian’s frail, HIV positive mother had been providing for her children and their elderly grandmother by selling bananas in town. The children typically wore rags as clothing, if anything at all. In addition to Brian being ill and malnourished, he struggled to walk due to pain from a hernia.

We at Oasis believed that with proper nutrition and medical care, Brian could improve.

Brian joined Oasis shortly after. This transition provided great relief for his mother and his grandmother.

Since joining Oasis, Brian’s health has dramatically improved. His hernia was treated, he’s receiving proper medication, and he’s eating full and nutritious meals.

Brian is working his way through Pre-Unit (like Kindergarten), and he’s taking an accelerated English course. He tries his best every day and he loves to read!

Brian recently ran up to one of our missionaries after English class and told her he wanted to read a book.

“Do you want to read to me?,” she asked him.

“Yes!,” said Brian.

Brian sat on a chair and read the book aloud. He slowly sounded out each word, beaming proudly the whole time.

Thanks to your support, Brian is growing into a kind, healthy, and confident boy. Without your help, many children like him would not be receiving the support they desperately need. Thank you for making a difference!

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