
The Gift In Disappointment

The Gift In Disappointment

Every time a newsletter is written or a blog is posted, it’s only one chapter of the story. Every child’s story is unfinished. That causes some hesitation in writing because there’s no telling what the next chapter will be. 

In February 2022, I shared the amazing story of a 19-year-old student who was repeating Class 8 to improve his score. The entire staff fought for this young man’s future – believing that, despite his age and his academic struggles, he deserved a full education. They welcomed him with love and belonging every day at school. Eventually, he shared his feelings of anger and shame. He processed his emotions with the staff until he began to dream and have hope for his future. He chose to study and try his best at practice exams to improve his scores. He set a goal to qualify for a high school that would prepare him for a career he could now dream about. 

Fast forward to April 2022, and exam results are in. He didn’t meet his goal. His scores did not improve even though he was putting in the effort. You can imagine his feelings. “Disappointed” seems too small a word. 

Yet, there’s something incredibly beautiful in his story too. You see, a student can only be disappointed if he believed in his ability to do even better. Most children who join the Oasis program are thankful to even attend school at all, much less consider moving ahead to high school. Somewhere along the journey, that gratefulness to just attend transforms into believing in themselves and their abilities. They begin to dream and hope. They set goals and consider what life might be like if they meet those goals. While it seems counterintuitive, disappointment is a gift because it means they could hope. 

A big reason why this part of the story is still beautiful is because of the staff members. I titled my February 2022 story “Fight For Me” because that’s what the staff does. They fight for all children to have hope and to dream for their futures. So, when disappointment happened, there were safe, loving arms ready to meet that student at the same moment. Those staff members felt the same hope and therefore the same sadness, but they can also see that the story isn’t over. They know that hope remains. They loan their hope until the student can hope again. These stories overwhelm me with gratitude for the men and women who have followed God to serve these students. 

This student who missed his goal? He wasn’t left to navigate those feelings alone. Uncle Fred was there for him immediately. They talked and prayed and chose acceptance for his future. While he won’t get into the high school he hoped for, he did pass, and he will move ahead. He is trusting God and leaning on his friendship with Fred. Seeing this young man hope, try, experience disappointment, and choose to press forward is just as inspiring as the valedictorian’s test result. 

And not only this, but we also celebrate in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5

This young man’s “tribulation” has created perseverance and proven his character so that he has a firm grip on the Hope that will not disappoint him. He has hoped, experienced the trial, and hoped again. That is the gift of disappointment. 

We have a dream for this class. We want to see them walk across the stage at graduation for the Class of 2026. We need 9 more scholarships to see this dream come true. The students are doing their part. Will you help? 

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