
The Overflow


It wasn’t magical. We didn’t hear a whispered voice from heaven or feel a stirring in our souls. If anything, I’d simply characterize our support of Oasis as an overflow of blessing.

How could we not?

It all started when the two daughters of Oasis missionaries approached us, asking if we’d buy bracelets to help Oasis for Orphans rescue kids in Kenya. I remember being struck by the fact that these were children serving children. I remarked to my husband, “Why aren’t we following the example of these children and giving back to God some of what He’s given us?”

At the time, I had just decided to quit my teaching job to stay home with my kids. In a strictly First World sense, money was tight, and we felt we couldn’t jump into sponsorship right away. So, we started to overflow in other areas. Running for Oasis, editing newsletters, writing thank you notes, helping with fundraising events… These were all ways my family could serve children in need while we waited for the day we could finally sponsor a child.  As we served, our commitment to the Oasis mission grew, as did our love for Southwest Kenya’s precious children.

When The Shelter was built, we had a special connection to it because we had spent years fundraising to support its construction. We immediately became sponsors of one of the first children at The Shelter. Words cannot express our joy upon learning that we would sponsor Joseph.

Our overflow of blessing into the life of Jojo has been a humbling and soul-refining journey. Sponsoring him has taught us just how much we have to give. Watching him heal physically and grow emotionally and spiritually into the energetic, loving, and brilliant little boy he is today gives us wild anticipation for the compassionate and wise leader he will be tomorrow.

Soon Joseph will be in the position to consider what he has to give, and we pray every day that he and other Oasis kids like him will recognize the power of their overflow.

How about you? Have you considered what you have to give? There is a child this moment waiting for you, a child with the potential for overflow…

Delilah, Oasis Sponsor

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